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Script Parser

Knip parses shell commands and scripts to find additional dependencies and entry files in various places:

Shell scripts can be read and statically analyzed, but not executed.


The main, bin, exports and scripts fields may contain entry files. Let’s take a look at this example:

"name": "my-package",
"main": "index.js",
"exports": {
"./lib": {
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./dist/index.cjs"
"bin": {
"program": "bin/cli.js"
"scripts": {
"build": "bundle src/entry.ts",
"start": "node --loader tsx server.ts"

From this example, Knip automatically adds the following files as entry files:

  • index.js
  • ./dist/index.mjs
  • ./dist/index.cjs
  • bin/cli.js
  • src/entry.ts
  • server.ts

Excluded files

Knip would not add the exports if the dist folder is matching a pattern in a relevant .gitignore file or ignore option.

Knip does not add scripts without a standard extension. For instance, the bin/tool file might be a valid executable for Node.js, but wouldn’t be added or parsed by Knip.

Scripts parsing

When parsing the scripts entries of package.json, knip also detect dependencies of -r, --require, --loader or --import arguments. Example:

"name": "my-lib",
"scripts": {
"start": "node --import tsx/esm run.ts"

This will have tsx marked as a referenced dependency, and adds run.ts as an entry file.


Some plugins also use the script parser to extract entry files and dependencies from commands. A few examples:

  • GitHub Actions: workflow files may contain run commands (e.g. .github/workflows/ci.yml)
  • Husky & Lefthook: Git hooks such as .git/hooks/pre-push contain scripts; also lefthook.yml has run commands
  • Lint Staged: configuration values are all commands
  • Nx: task executors and nx:run-commands executors in project.json contains scripts
  • Release It: hooks contain commands

Source Code

When Knip is walking the abstract syntax trees (ASTs) of JavaScript and TypeScript source code files, it looks for imports and exports. But there’s a few more (rather obscure) things that Knip detects in the process. Below are examples of additional scripts Knip parses to find entry files and dependencies.


If the bun dependency is imported in source code, Knip considers the contents of $ template tags to be scripts:

import { $ } from 'bun';
await $`bun boxen I ❤ unicorns`;
await $`boxen I ❤ unicorns`;

Parsing the script results in the boxen binary (the boxen-cli dependency) as referenced (twice).


If the execa dependency is imported in source code, Knip considers the contents of $ template tags to be scripts:

await $({ stdio: 'inherit' })`c8 node hydrate.js`;

Parsing the script results in hydrate.js added as an entry file and the c8 binary/dependency as referenced.


If the zx dependency is imported in source code, Knip considers the contents of $ template tags to be scripts:

await $`node scripts/parse.js`;

This will add scripts/parse.js as an entry file.

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