Knip finds and fixes unused files, dependencies and exports. As a “kitchen sink” in the npm ecosystem, it creates comprehensive module and dependency graphs of your project.
This FAQ is an attempt to provide some perspective on a few design decisions and why certain things work the way they do. Here and there it’s intentionally a bit more in-depth than the rest of the docs.
Why isn’t Knip an ESLint plugin?
Linters like ESLint analyze files separately, while Knip lints projects as a whole.
Knip requires full module and dependency graphs to find clutter across the project. Creating these comprehensive graphs is not a trivial task and it seems no such tool exists today, even more so when it comes to monorepos.
File-oriented linters like ESLint and Knip are complementary tools.
Isn’t tree-shaking enough?
In short: no. They share an important goal: improve UX by removing unused code. The main takeaway here is that tree-shaking and Knip are different and complementary tools.
Tree-shaking is a build or compile-time activity to reduce production bundle size. It typically operates on bundled production code, which might include external/third-party code. An optimization in the build process, “out of your hands”.
On the other hand, Knip is a project linter that should be part of QA. It lints, reports and fixes only your own source code. A linter reporting issues hands control back to you (unless you auto-fix everything).
Besides those differences, Knip has a broader scope:
- Improve DX (see less is more).
- Include non-production code and dependencies in the process by default.
- Report more issue types (such as unlisted dependencies).
Why does Knip have plugins?
Plugins are an essential part of Knip. They prevent you from a lot of configuration out of the box, by adding entry files as accurately as possible and only for the tools actually installed. Yet the real magic is in their custom parsers for configuration files and command-line argument definitions.
For instance, Vitest has the environment
configuration option. The Vitest
plugin knows "node"
is the default value for environment
which does not
require an extra package, but will translate "edge-runtime"
to the
package. This allows Knip to report it if this package is not
listed in package.json
, or when it is no longer used after changes in the
Vitest configuration.
Configuration files may also contain references to entry files. For instance,
Jest has setupFilesAfterEnv: "<rootDir>/jest.setup.js"
or a reference may
point to a file in another workspace in the same monorepo, e.g.
setupFiles: ['@org/shared/jest-setup.ts']
. Those entry files may also contain
imports of internal modules or external dependencies, and so on.
Why is Knip so heavily engineered?
Even though a modular approach has its merits, for Knip it makes sense to have all the pieces in a single tool.
Building up the module and dependency graphs requires non-standard module resolution and not only static but also dynamic analysis (i.e. actually load and execute modules), such as for parsers of plugins to receive the exported value of dynamic tooling configuration files. Additionally, exports consumed by external libraries require type information, as supported by the TypeScript backend. Last but not least, shell script parsing is required to find the right entry files, configuration files and dependencies accurately.
The rippling effect of plugins and recursively adding entry files and dependencies to build up the graphs is also exactly what’s meant by “comprehensive” here.
Building the graphs
Where does Knip look for entry files?
- In default locations such as
- In
fields inpackage.json
- In the entry files as configured by enabled plugins
- In
files as configured and parsed by enabled plugins - In dynamic imports (i.e.
calls) - In
- In
- Through scripts inside template strings in source files such as:
await $({ stdio: 'inherit' })`c8 node hydrate.js`; // execaawait $`node scripts/parse.js`; // bun/zx
- Through scripts in
such as:{"name": "my-lib","scripts": {"start": "node --import tsx/esm run.ts","start": "vitest -c config/vitest.config.ts"}} - Through plugins handling CI workflow files like
:jobs:test:steps:run: playwright test e2e/**/*.spec.ts --config playwright.e2e.config.tsrun: node --import tsx/esm run.ts
Scripts like the ones shown here may also contain references to configuration
files (config/vitest.config.ts
and playwright.e2e.config.ts
in the examples
above). They’re recognized as configuration files and passed to their respective
plugins, and may contain additional entry files.
Entry files are added to the module graph. Module resolution might result in additional entry files recursively until no more entry files are found.
What does Knip look for in source files?
The TypeScript source file parser is powerful and fault-tolerant. Knip visits all nodes of the generated AST to find:
- Imports and dynamic imports of internal modules and external dependencies
- Exports
- Accessed properties on namespace imports and re-exports to track individual export usage
- Calls to
- Scripts in template strings (passed to script parser)
What’s in the graphs?
Once the module and dependency graphs are created, they contain the information required to create the report including all issue types:
- Unused files
- Unused dependencies
- Unused devDependencies
- Referenced optional peerDependencies
- Unlisted dependencies
- Unlisted binaries
- Unresolved imports
- Unused exports
- Unused exported types
- Unused exported enum members
- Duplicate exports
And optionally more issue types like individual exports and exported types in namespace imports, and unused class members.
The graphs allows to report more interesting details, such as:
- Circular references
- Usage numbers per export
- Export usage across workspaces in a monorepo
- List of all binaries used
- List of all used (OS) binaries not installed in
Why doesn’t Knip just read the lockfile?
Knip reads the package.json
file of each dependency. Most of the information
required is in the lockfile as well, which would be more efficient. However,
there are a few issues with this approach:
- It requires lockfile parsing for each lockfile format and version of each package manager.
- The lockfile doesn’t contain whether the package has types included.
Module Resolution
Why doesn’t Knip use an existing module resolver?
Runtimes like Node.js provide require.resolve
and import.meta.resolve
TypeScript comes with module resolution built-in. More module resolvers are out
there and bundlers are known to use or come with module resolvers. None of them
seem to meet all requirements to be usable on its own by Knip:
- Support non-standard extensions like
- Support path aliases
- Support
map inpackage.json
- Support self-referencing imports
- Rewire
build artifacts likedist/module.js
to its source atsrc/module.ts
- Don’t resolve to type definition paths like
but source code atmodule.js
A few strategies have been tried and tweaked, and Knip currently uses a combination of enhanced-resolve, the TypeScript module resolver and a few customizations. This single custom module resolver function is hooked into the TypeScript compiler and language service hosts.
Everything else is handled by enhanced-resolve
for things like script
parsing and resolving references to files in other workspaces.
How does Knip handle non-standard import syntax?
Knip tries to be resilient against import syntax like what’s used by e.g. webpack loaders or Vite asset imports. Knip strips off the prefixes and suffixes in import specifiers like this:
import Icon from './icon.svg?raw';import Styles from '-!style-loader!css-loader?modules!./styles.css';
In this example, the style-loader
and css-loader
dependencies should be
dependencies found in webpack configuration, handled by Knip’s webpack plugin.
What’s the difference between workspaces, projects and programs?
A workspace is a directory with a package.json
file. They’re configured in
(or pnpm-workspaces.yml
). In case a directory has a
file, but is not a workspace (from a package manager
perspective), it can be added as a workspace to the Knip configuration.
Projects - in the context of TypeScript - are directories with a tsconfig.json
file. They’re not a concept in Knip.
A TypeScript program has a 1-to-1 relationship with workspaces if they’re analyzed in isolation. However, by default Knip optimizes for performance and utilizes workspace sharing. That’s why debug output contains messages like “Installed 2 programs for 29 workspaces”.
Why doesn’t Knip match my TypeScript project structure?
Repositories and workspaces in a monorepo aren’t necessarily structured like
TypeScript projects. Put simply, the location of package.json
files isn’t
always adjacent to tsconfig.json
files. Knip follows the structure of
workspaces in a monorepo.
An additional layering of TypeScript projects would complicate things. The
downside is that a tsconfig.json
file not used by Knip may have conflicting
module resolution settings, potentially resulting in missed files.
In practice, this is rarely an issue. Knip sticks to the workspaces structure and installs a single “kitchen sink” module resolver function per workspace. Different strategies might add more complexity and performance penalties, while the current strategy is simple, fast and good enough.
Note that any directory with a package.json
not listed in the root
can be added to the Knip configuration manually to
have it handled as a separate workspace.
Why doesn’t Knip analyze workspaces in isolation by default?
Knip creates TypeScript programs to create a module graph and traverse file ASTs. In a monorepo, it would make a lot of sense to create one program per workspace. However, this slows down the whole process considerably. That’s why Knip shares the files of multiple workspaces in a single program if their configuration allows it. This optimization is enabled by default, while it also allows the module resolver (one per program) to do some more caching.
Also see workspace sharing.
Why doesn’t Knip just use TypeScript has a very good “Find references” feature, that you might be using in your IDE as well. Yet at scale this becomes too slow. That’s why Knip builds up its own module graph to look up export usages. Additional benefits for this comprehensive graph include:
- serializable and cacheable
- enables more features
- usable for other tools to build upon as well
Without sacrificing these benefits, Knip does use ts.findReferences
to find
references to class members (i.e. when the issue type classMembers
included). In case analysis of exports requires type information of external
dependencies, the --include-libs
flag will trigger the same.
Why can’t I use path aliases to reference other workspaces?
Some projects use compilerOptions.paths
to alias paths to other workspaces in
the same monorepo. This works for TypeScript and bundlers. However, it does not
work well with Knip, since Knip doesn’t understand those paths might represent
workspaces. Knip is thus unable to match dependencies (including internal
workspaces) in package.json
against import usage correctly.
Instead, it’s recommended to list such workspaces/dependencies in
, and import them as such. TypeScript and bundlers have no issues
with this standard approach either.
What’s up with that configurable There’s a difference between --tsConfig [file]
as a CLI argument and the
option in Knip configuration.
The --tsConfig [file]
option is used to provide an alternative location for
the default root tsconfig.json
file. Relevant compilerOptions
and moduleResolution
. This setting is only available at the root
On the other hand, the typescript.config
option is a TypeScript plugin option,
and can be set per-workspace. The plugin extracts referenced external
dependencies such as those in extends
, compilerOptions.types
and JSX
{ "extends": "@tsconfig/node20/tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { "jsxImportSource": "hastscript/svg" }}
From this example, Knip can determine whether the @tsconfig/node20
dependencies are properly listed in package.json
- The TypeScript plugin doesn’t add support for TypeScript to Knip (that’s
already built-in). Like other plugins, it extracts dependencies from
. With thetypescript.config
option an alternative location fortsconfig.json
can be set per workspace. - In case path aliases from
aren’t picked up by Knip, either use--tsConfig [file]
to target a differenttsconfig.json
, or manually add paths to the Knip configuration. The latter can be done per workspace.
How does Knip handle Svelte or Astro files?
To further increase the coverage of the module graph, non-standard files other
than JavaScript and TypeScript modules should be included as well. For instance,
and .astro
files can import each other, internal modules and external
Knip includes basic “compilers” for a few common file types (Astro, MDX, Svelte, Vue). Knip does not include actual compilers for reasons of potential incompatibility with the existing compiler, and dependency size. Knip allows to override them with the compilers in your project, and add additional ones for other file types.
files not used?
Why are the exports of my Knip comes with basic “compilers” for a few common non-standard file types. They’re not actual compilers, they’re regular expressions only to extract import statements. Override the built-in Vue “compiler” with the real one in your project. Also see the answer to the previous question and Compilers.
Why isn’t production mode the default?
The default mode of Knip includes all source files, tests, dependencies, dev dependencies and tooling configuration.
On the other hand, production mode considers only source files and production dependencies. Plugins add only production entry files.
Which mode should’ve been the default? They both have their merits:
- Production mode catches dead production code and dependencies. This mode has the most impact on UX, since less code tends to be faster and safer.
- Default mode potentially catches more issues, e.g. lots of unused plugins of tooling, including most issues found in production mode. This mode has the most impact on DX, for the same reason.
Also see production mode.
Why doesn’t Knip have…?
Examples of features that have been requested include:
- Expose programmatic API
- Add local/custom plugins
- Expose the module and dependency graphs
- Custom AST visitors, e.g. to find and return:
- Unused interface/type members
- Unused object members (and e.g. React component props)
- Unused object props in function return values
- Analyze workspaces in parallel
- Plugins for editors like VS Code and WebStorm (LSP-based?)
- Support Deno
- Improve internal code structures and accessibility to support contributions
- One-shot dead code removal (more comprehensive removal of unused variables, duplicate exports, dead code, etc).
- Replace dependencies for better performance and correctness, such as for shell script parsing, module resolution and globbing with “unignores”.
These are all interesting ideas, but most increase the API surface area, and all require more development efforts and maintenance. Time is limited and sponsorships currently don’t cover - this can change though!
ISC License © 2024 Lars Kappert