Overview of capabilities in support of the core feature: find many types of issues.
Also see related tooling.
Name | Description or example |
Auto-fix | Use --fix to auto-fix issues |
Cache | Use --cache to speed up consecutive runs |
CommonJS | Traditional JavaScript is just fine |
Compilers (built-in/custom) | Support for Astro, MDX, Vue, etc. |
Debug | Use --debug for troubleshooting |
Filters | Exclude or focus on specific issue types |
JSDoc tags | Make exceptions for exports |
Monorepos (package-based/integrated) | Workspaces are first-class citizen |
Performance | Use --performance for detailed timing insights |
Plugins | Over 60 plugins with custom entry paths and config parsing |
Preprocessors | Preprocess issues before being reported |
Production mode | Use --production to lint only production code |
Reporters (built-in/custom) | Use a custom --reporter ./custom-output.ts |
Rules | Exclude or focus on issue types |
Script parser | Scripts contain dependencies and entry paths |
Trace | Trace exports to find where they are used |
Watch mode | Use --watch to update the reporter on file changes |
Workspace | Use --workspace to lint a single workspace in a monorepo |
ISC License © 2024 Lars Kappert