Namespace Imports
The intention of exports used through namespace imports may not always be clear to Knip. Here’s a guide to better understand how Knip handles such exports.
We start off by having two exports:
export const version = 'v5';export const getRocket = () => '🚀';
The next snippet shows how to import all the exports above on a namespace. All
exports of the my-namespace.js
module will be members on the NS
import * as NS from './my-namespace.js';import send from 'stats';send(NS);
The intention of export usage is not always clear. In the example above is
or getRocket
used? We’re not sure, but we probably don’t want them
to be reported as unused. The same goes for the next example:
import * as NS from './my-namespace.js';
export { NS };
If this all usage of the NS
namespace object, we also don’t know whether
individual exports like version
or getRocket
will be used. However, if at
least one reference to a property such as NS.version
is found, then the
individual exports are considered separately again and getRocket
will be
marked as unused:
import { NS } from './my-module.js';
const version = NS.version;
The default heuristic
Knip uses the following heuristic to determine which of the individual exports are used:
- If there’s one or more references to the import namespace object, but without any property access, all exports on that namespace are considered used.
- Otherwise, exports are considered separately.
Below are a few more examples, and a way to disable this default behavior.
Let’s take a look at more examples:
export const start = 1;
export const end = 1;
In the following cases all exports of my-namespace.ts
are considered used:
import * as NS from './my-namespace.js';import send from 'stats';
const spread = { ...NS };
const shorthand = { NS };
const assignment = NS;
const item = [NS];
type TypeOf = typeof NS;
for (const fruit in Fruits) { //}
export { NS };
export { NS as AliasedNS };
export = NS;
However, this is no longer the case when one of the properties is accessed:
import * as NS from './namespace.js';
const begin = NS.start;
In this case, the end
export will be reported as unused, even though the NS
object itself is referenced on its own as well.
and nsTypes
Include To disable the heuristic as explained above, and enforce Knip to consider each
export on a namespace individually, include the nsExports
issue type:
{ "include": ["nsExports"]}
Or use the --include nsExports
argument from the CLI. The nsTypes
can be
added as well to do the same for exported types.
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